Canova Palace

Overlooking Piazza San Francesco, Palazzo Canova was the summer residence of the illustrious sculptor Antonio Canova in the early 1800s. In 1645, under the pontificate of Innocent X, Ferdinando Orsini was still duke of San Gemini and the discovery of a tile on which the date 1645 was engraved confirms the reconstruction in those years of the oldest part of the palace by Antonio from Sangallo the Younger; the rebuilding of the structure was finished in 1695 under Giovanni Antonio Orsini. Antonio Canova, fascinated by the city, bought the palace and other possessions in Vall'Antica from Bartolomeo Terzi between 1813 and 1816 and made it a holiday residence. Subsequently the building was sold to the Cistercian friars and from these, at the beginning of the century, to the Medici family, the current owner. The German occupation unfortunately deprived us of those treasures that the palace contained.