Abbey of St. Nicolò

XI century Leaving the city and crossing the Statale Tiberina, on the south-west side, you reach the Abbey of San Nicolò, one of the oldest and most evocative churches of San Gemini. The first historical document of San Gemini refers to it in 1036 . It was ceded to the Farfa Abbey and in 1302 Bonifacio VIII nominated the Abbot of S. Nicolò as his commissioner. It then gradually fell into decay and its portal was sold in 1936 to the Metropolitan Museum of New York and replaced with a very faithful copy by the sculptor Fernando Onori of Rome. The interior with three naves is divided by columns with decorated capitals. At the back of the apse it preserves a fresco from 1295 by the master Rogerino da Todi. In the right aisle various medieval fragments are preserved. The restoration work, commissioned by the Violati family in 1967, has returned it to its former glory.