Santacroce Palace

18th century
The ducal palace of the Santacroce family was built between 1729 and 1730 following the purchase of the feud of San Gemini which took place in 1722 by Prince Scipione Publicola Santacroce. The building is sumptuous and elegant in its architectural configuration which is fully characterized by those typical lines of the noble residences of the XVIII century. The corner towers help to visually make the effect of a feudal residence even more marked by the towers recalling a fortress. Inside the building, a grand staircase led to the noble floor where the family created an entirely frescoed hall. In the panels on the walls  some episodes of Gerusalemme Liberata were represented, a chivalrous epic poem by Torquato Tasso which with its themes was well suited to the exaltation of the Santacroce family, both for the message linked to the themes of honor, chivalry, noble war and the fight against Muslims, and also for a celebration of the family. It is currently a hotel facility.