Church of Saint Francis

XIII century Situated in the square of the same name, the heart of the current city, with the adjacent former Franciscan convent. It was dedicated to St. Francis who stayed in San Gemini in 1213, it was built by the noble Capitoni family whose coat of arms can be seen above the arch. The 15th century ogival portal, with bundles of small columns, preserves the ancient 14th century wooden door. The interior is in Gothic style with a single nave with supporting arches. On the right wall there are frescoes from the 15th and 17th centuries, Adoration of the Magi and on the four niches in progression, Santa Lucia between San Giovanni Battista and San Rocco, Crucifixion between San Girolamo and San Leonardo, Incredulità di San Tommaso and in the background Santa Lucia. On the left wall the Crucifixion with San Francesco. Of particular value is the wooden Crucifix from the 15th century. Opposite the church of S. Francesco is the eighteenth-century Municipality Palace, formerly Palazzo Genuensi, which replaced Palazzo Vecchio as the seat of the Town Hall. On the right side the former Villa Santacroce, then Villa Mattina. On the left side of the square, the Gemine Astolfi Fountain built in 1884 by the stonemason and engraver Orazio Armili of Narni. The Municipality placed an epigraph as a sign of gratitude for having contributed to the construction of the aqueduct.